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Staying Motivated If You’re Still In Quarantine

One of the most common questions I’m seeing right now amidst all of the gym closures, lock downs, and general upheaval of normal life is: how do we stay motivated?

After all, when it seems like the world has come to a standstill, it can be easy to let things slide. And I’ve been there: I can’t say I haven’t skipped a few days of hitting it hard during the last few months myself! When normal days have become less about going out and more about having to stay home or avoid your old haunts (aka: the gym), it can sometimes seem pointless to work any harder than normal.

However, as unmotivated as we may all have been during this time, there also comes a time where we have to get back on that horse, regardless of what’s open and what’s not.

And that time is now.

Below I’m sharing with you some personal tips on how I stay motivated during these wild times. Try them on for size!

Staying Motivated During Quarantine

1. See The Opportunity

Obviously, it’s easy to see the downsides of not being able to do what you normally do on any given day. However, what if we took that idea and applied it to the positive? For instance, what if instead of arguing for the limitations of quarantine, we thought, “I now get to enjoy a break from my everyday, and possibly do many of the things I’ve been wanting to do, but never had the time to.”

For fitness, what this can look like is finally getting to hit those trails you never have the time to get to. Getting the opportunity to really start cooking your own food, instead of eating out all the time. Focusing on all of those recovery and regenerative things you’ve wanted to try, like ice and Epsom salt baths.

When we look for the positives in what appears to be a negative situation, we can see opportunity and seize it, rather than missing out!

2. Set Up a Home Gym

If you can’t hit the gym, it’s pretty crucial to set up a home gym in your space, even if it’s small. This mirrors the effect of “going to the gym” when you need to go to a different room structured just for working out.

Even if you can dedicate an area or a corner to working out, you’ll notice a shift in your mindset when you “enter” (haha) the area. Try to set up basic equipment in view (dumbbells, kettlebells, bands, a yoga mat) for inspiration.

(I’ve also given you some ideas for workouts at home here).

3. Join an Online Community

Sometimes the best aspect of going to your regular gym or class is the community feel to it – you’re surrounded by people with the same goals encouraging eachother, which is extremely inspiring.

To get this affect at home, try joining an online fitness community (I’m going to shamelessly promote my MV Fitness Motivation group over on Facebook, because it’s the bomb for the situation! All the folks over there are extremely encouraging). Most groups share inspiration, photos, workouts – you name it! It’s truly the second-best experience to in-person community.

4. Set Goals

Developing new goals or challenges during this time can also be a huge way to light a fire under yourself. If you can join any type of competition or challenge, or simply create one for yourself or with a buddy (create some bets on who will win – that will be surefire motivation!) you’ll feel a renewed “why” to keep going.

5. Focus on the Future

Obviously, the ideal with the situation is that it isn’t forever. Try to think of the future during this time, and what that future will look like if you lose all motivation and stop working toward your goals. Where will you be if you let everything slide?

Possibly pretty far behind.

And, on the flip side, where will you be if you maximize this time and opportunity?

Possibly pretty far ahead.

I know which one I’m choosing!

If you want to dive further into a community, as well as be lead by me personally through video, check out my courses and programs. Each one gives you an opportunity to work hard toward a goal, and see results like you never thought possible.

And for a little extra boost:

4 thoughts on “Staying Motivated If You’re Still In Quarantine

  1. es verdad he pasado febrero mes 8 coronavirus tiene en Ecuador muchos las personas con covid 19 quedate en casa yo pienso a que los ejercicios nos ayudan a relajarnos hay muchos videos en YouTube continuar todos los días a la semana 5, el junio SumatexlaEquidad también zoom las personas oyentes y sordos inclusión los ejercicios zoom con laptop también con intérprete todos los jueves hora 5pm durante una hora 6pm. también ayudo a limpiar la a casa siempre conmigo mi mamá yo le ayudo en la cocina para aprender a mí me gusta hacer pastel de zanahoria es mi postre favorito aprendí en el instituto donde yo estoy estudiando educación física y recreación voy al cuarto semestre, pronto me graduare de técnico en el deporte mi deseo es aprender para apoyar a mi comunidad sorda.

    1. Sí, el coronavirus ha sido muy agotador para las personas de todo el mundo. Es bueno mantener su salud mental lo más fuerte posible. El pastel de zanahoria definitivamente te hará feliz, ¡pero no comas demasiado! Es fantástico saber que se esfuerza no solo por alcanzar sus objetivos, sino también por ayudar a la comunidad de sordos; es muy admirable. ¡Mantener el trabajo duro!

    1. Hi Custon! I’m pumped you like my workouts! If you’re looking to start improving your strength and fitness level, then I would recommend you check out my Body and Burn course. It’s a go at your own pace instructional style course where I teach you how to do a lot of the explosive movements you see in my workouts! I go over the triple clap & superman push ups, mv burpees, various animal flow movements, and more! Best of all it’s all bodyweight so you can workout anytime, anywhere. You can check that and my other programs & workouts on my MV Fit app, there’s a 14 day free trial when you sign up too! Let’s get it!

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