New 6-Week Power & Shred Program > Try A Free Workout
New 6-Week Power & Shred Program > Try A Free Workout

How to Be and Find a Good Workout Partner

Sometimes completing a task is easier to accomplish when you have a partner there with you. For me, working out can get daunting so I love to mix up my routine by working out with a friend. If you have someone in mind, great. If not, this list will help you determine the best fit for your needs.

Partner workouts are great for when you need that extra support, you want to try new exercises, or you’re fueled by a little friendly competition. But not just anyone can fill those shoes. Most importantly, your partner will also be an accountability partner—someone who can keep you on track with your goals and wants to see you succeed.

It’s a two-way street with whomever you choose because you’re required to do the same in return. Pay attention to how to be a better partner as well!

So what’s expected of a work out partner?


Ideally, you want to find someone who is more disciplined than you. The battle of a work out begins with finding the motivation to start. Find a person who will keep you in check and make sure you show up. Or be that for someone else. Getting to the gym in a consistent manner is important for results.


To do that, you must plan ahead. Find someone who has a similar schedule as you. If you work a 9-5, it shouldn’t be hard but if you prefer to work out mid-day, then you may ask someone in the same field as you. Try to keep a consistent day of the week. It’ll make it much easier to get together and keep it up.


If your goal is to build muscle through strength training, don’t lean on someone who only spends their time in group classes or on the elliptical. A partner is there to spot you, to workout alongside you so you can struggle together. If you can’t decide on a workout, find someone else.


With that being said, partners are there to motivate one another. Find someone who already inspires you. You’ll want to be around them, and you’ll be more likely to accomplish your goals with someone who has already proven to achieve their own. Also, competing against one another can help you push harder or faster in a work out in a way that you alone can’t muster. When someone is there to root you on or threaten your skills, you best step up and deliver.

Now that you’ve learned what to look for in a partnership, here are some things to avoid:


Workout partners are for encouragement and motivation. Don’t judge anyone for their current situation, or the way they choose to live. Getting in shape is no easy task so discouraging someone or being judgmental would be cruel. Instead, be open minded and look for someone who truly wants the best for you.


Even though I mentioned competition between partners can be motivating, it can also be harmful. Competition is for getting that extra momentum or last wind—not for comparing results. Remember to stay in your lane and focus on your own path. Everyone’s journey is different. Don’t feel that you’re not achieving your goals just because your partner is and don’t feel that you’re in a race to finish.


This one is the most important because a negative mentality will poison any well. There is always a positive perspective in every situation and it’s important to focus on what you can do, versus what you can’t. Motivation should be positive reinforcement, meaning you reward someone for their good behavior. Be someone who people want to be around because of your positivity rather than focusing on obstacles or restrictions. A partner is there to cheer on, not pressure.

Whether you’re an elite athlete or a career person trying to find time to exercise, you can benefit from working out with a partner. It can be both fun and motivating because you have someone to share your interest and who has interest in your goals.

We are who we surround ourselves with so choose wisely and make sure you always keep up your end of the deal.

3 thoughts on “How to Be and Find a Good Workout Partner

  1. yo empecé la natación r 2013 mi amigo Diego ser persona sorda a mí me ayudó mucho su experiencia compartimos muchos años entrenando y compitiendo en diferentes lugares también yo le puede enseñar algunos estilos libre, estilo mariposa, estilo pecho, estilo todos los días entrenaba Diego, para septiembre la competencia en la Laguna de San Pablo personas sordas y oyentes es verdad en el CLUB REGATAS hay inclusión para las personas sordos y con otro discapacidades, juntos Angel y Diego la natación en competencias en diferentes lagos de 2 700 metros yo llego primero sordos dos ejemplos premios trofeo; Angel y 2 Diego. todos los oyente aplausos lengua de señas siempre positivos feliz. también país sordolimpiadas Brasil, Colombia y Turquía. yo competí mi amigo no pudo acompañarme porque estaba estudiando la universidad.
    Disculpa que te cuente mis experiencias yo siento mucha felicidad que pude aprovechar mi tiempo de niño y adolescente con el apoyo de mi mamá y la paciencia de mi profesor Danilo

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